Friday, March 18, 2016

Research Unit Clarifications


A couple reminders--
*While your research ESSAY'S score will go on 4th quarter, the PRESENTATION aspect will be going on 3rd Quarter
*Presentations MUST be shared with Mrs. Topham ( prior to your presentation time.
*Those of you who have signed up for a time before/after school, or during MAP, you MUST remember to come in at your appointed time. NO make-up time will be offered. 
*If you do not sign up for a time, you will be called on during class. If you refuse to present at that time, your presentation WILL NOT be accepted.
*This presentation will be worth 75 points, and will be the "final" for 3rd Quarter.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Research Paper Helps

As we are working on bits and pieces of our research paper in class, if you ever want to look over any information again (or were absent), here is the information:

In-Text Citation Help
MLA Works Cited Page
Google Presentation 101
Thesis Statement/Intro Paragraphs